Poly Guild

Poly Pottery Box: Pinch Pots


This Poly Pottery Box contains everything you need to make your own pinch pot (pott pynchys in Cornish!). A pinch pot is a simple form of hand-made pottery, produced from ancient times to the present. With this technique, you can make bowls, pots and planters - and by joining two bowls together in a double pinch pot sculpture, you can make a figure to enter in our Clay Kemeneth Exhibition later this year.

For every box you purchase, The Poly will add another box into our free community pottery project, bringing the benefits of hands-on creativity to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity - thank you!

Each box contains: 

- 1kg of premium air-dry clay in a resealable bag
- A step-by-step worksheet
- Pottery toolkit and sponge
- White acrylic paint & gloss sealant
- Two paintbrushes