24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
The Poly is a registered charity supported by wonderful volunteers, but we need regular funding to survive. By becoming a Poly Patron you can show you believe in the power of the arts and help secure the future of our much-loved arts centre.
The generosity of our donors, members and patrons allows us to plan confidently for the future, enabling us to sustain our work with artists, audiences and communities. This is more important than ever in these unprecedented times.
Are you able to donate £500-£1000 a year to support The Poly’s work?
By joining us as a Patron or Member with a regular donation, you can help us bridge the funding gap, keep our doors open, and continue serving the community – offering inspiring and uplifting arts experiences all year round. Patrons can make a vital contribution to key projects and core running costs.
As a thank you for supporting The Poly, you will receive:
- Poly Membership
- A thank you on our supporter’s board
- Invites to special events
Please get in touch by emailing info@thepoly.org
Kick start your creativity with this encouraging and enjoyable workshop on how to develop a writing practice that will...
Find out moreWise Woman spin their lush vocal harmonies and genre-bending tales of hidden women around the UK to celebrate the...
Find out moreThis explosively funny satire, about a rogue U.S General who triggers a nuclear attack, is led by a world-renowned...
Find out more