24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Shop inspiring works by local artists and artisans, including jewellery, ceramics, glass and prints in our makers Guild.
Find out moreHead to our Bar & Cafe for light bites, cocktails and coffee. Open during Poly daytime hours, late on Friday and Saturday evenings, and alongside Poly events.
Find out moreThe Falmouth History Archive is led by a friendly and committed group of volunteers who have a wealth of knowledge about Falmouth and its history.
Find out more
Or why not become a Poly member and start enjoying great benefits too!
Become a member1944, Vermiglio, a remote mountain village. The arrival of Pietro, a deserter, into the family of the local teacher, and his love for the teacher's eldest daughter, will change the course of everyone's life.
More information Check times : BookThe season’s top horror based charity panto performed in Falmouth by healthcare workers. Oh yes it is.
More information Check times : BookA date with a wonderful composer and maestro of the piano. To be immersed in his playing is truly magical.
More information Check times : BookCirqulesque is back to celebrate valentines day! 18+
More information Check times : BookCalling local artists! Enter your work into our annual curated art show, which will exhibit a wide range of work from a variety of disciplines. This exhibition is a celebration of the artistic talent from our community – carefully selected to showcase the best works from both established and new artists.
More informationWorks of Art from Cornwall in Southern Hemisphere galleries including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Talk by Catherine Wallace.
More information Check times : BookThe Poly Pottery’s weekly drop-in sessions are back up and running!
More informationThe Poly Pottery’s weekly drop-in sessions are back up and running!
More informationWe have all heard of Buried Treasure… but how did it get there? Why did they bury it? Come and discover in the family show in Feb Half Term.
More information Check times : Book