24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Trustee 1985 - 1998
Chairman 1988 - 1998
President 1998 - 2005
Hon. Vice President 2005
Alan Cummings was born in the North East in 1950. Now permanently resident in Falmouth, he looks back on a fascinating and varied career across science, art and design, heritage conservation, higher education and rock and folk music. His professional activities have involved many high profile institutions such as the National Portrait Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Courtauld Institute of Art. He concluded his working life as Professor of Conservation, Pro-Rector and Director of Academic Development at the Royal College of Art, a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College and a Governor at the National Film and Television School. On the way, he received a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Further and Higher Education and he has been listed in Who’s Who since 2010.
Alan’s main interest towards the end of his career was helping to build relationships across science and engineering, art and design, the humanities and business in the belief that interdisciplinary collaboration is the only effective way to solve world problems. As President, his aim is to emerge energetically from retirement to continue this kind of work. He wants to build the Poly’s identity as a place for interdisciplinary thinking, creativity and innovation. He is currently developing plans for an ambitious programme events called “The Future Of ..” , where significant social, environmental and technological issues will be explored by interdisciplinary audiences representing the vibrant communities of Falmouth, Penryn and beyond.
Anthony Phillips was born in Falmouth where he qualified as a solicitor. After briefly practicing in London, he read theology at King’s College, London. He obtained his PhD from Cambridge University. He was ordained in 1967 and was successively Dean, Chaplain and Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge and Chaplain and Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford. In 1986 he was appointed Headmaster of the King’s School, Canterbury.
Anthony Phillips has written a number of books both scholarly and popular as well as many articles and reviews. He has undertaken both broadcasting and television work and lectured both in the United Kingdom and abroad. Since retirement he has been engaged in charitable work particularly in education and the arts.
Trailblazing new Cornish translation of Tennysons’ masterpiece poem ‘The Lady of Shalott’ put to beautiful music...
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Find out moreFind out all about fossils, archaeology, and dinosaur with Squashbox Theatre. Ages 4 plus! ...
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