24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
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Matt is a landscape designer, senior lecturer and author. He runs a landscape design practice near Falmouth that tackles sites from tiny urban basements to steeply sloping rural landscapes. Since 2014 Matt has led the degree level garden and landscape design courses based at the Eden Project. This follows five years teaching on the renowned BA (Hons) Garden Design course at Falmouth University.
Channel 4’s The City Gardener introduced Matt to the gardening public; the series was later broadcast around the globe. Two series about urban garden design in the US soon followed. Other notable television appearances include ITV’s Love Your Garden and BBC 2’s Great British Garden Revival.
Matt has written five books about gardening and garden design including the bestsellers The Urban Gardener and How to Plant a Garden both for the Royal Horticultural Society.
Photo by Marianne Majerus from RHS Urban Gardener (Mitchell Beazley)
This explosively funny satire, about a rogue U.S General who triggers a nuclear attack, is led by a world-renowned...
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