24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
An opportunity to gather together to share our experiences, thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears around death and dying in a safe supportive place. We warmly welcome you to meet with us in The Poly bar. There is no charge, no need to book but we ask for a suggested donation towards tea, coffee and cake of £2.00.
For more information on Death Cafés see: https://deathcafe.com/
Writer and filmmaker Damian Le Bas will discuss his latest book The Drowned Places, exploring the meaning we find in...
Find out moreIran’s Mohammad Rasoulof delivers a gripping dissident drama, about an official whose ambitions bring him into...
Find out moreThe course is part instructed by a local artist with guided exercises and opportunities to draw freely. Experienced...
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