24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
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Following careful consideration of the current course of the Covid-19 pandemic, The Poly will be closed temporarily to visitors until further notice.
If you have purchased a ticket for Parasite, please call our box office at 01326 319461 to be issued with a credit note or refund. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Dir. Bong Joon Ho | South Korea 2019 | 132 mins | 15 | Partially Subtitled
From the imagination of Bong Joon Ho (Okja, Snowpiercer, The Host), this must-see blackly comic thriller finds a family of grifters worming their way into an upper-class family’s perfect world.
The Kims are living a marginal life when their son fakes his way into becoming the English tutor for the ultra-wealthy Park family. Soon all four of the family members have roles in their hyper-stylish modern home, having used every dirty trick in the book. But the house hides secrets that are way outside the Kim’s scheme.
Already the most successful Palme d’Or winner ever, Parasite is what happens when the have-nots have their day. A deliciously fun poisoned cocktail of dark humour, social satire and perfect set pieces, this gripping thriller is a sensational experience that keeps surprising to its last drop.
Tickets: £7.75 / £6.00 (inc. Poly Fund)