24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
This event has unfortunately been postponed due to circumstances out of our control, we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have already purchased tickets for this event, please contact our box office to arrange a refund at 01326 319461.
A polar adventure evening with Victoria Humphries and Sue Riches
"Women wanted to walk to North Pole"
Victoria and Sue tell the exciting story of how replying to a small newspaper article changed their lives. The highs and lows, the selection and training, navigation, coping with a potentially fatal accident, the struggle to find a runway and readjusting to life back home and then forward to where they are now. Their illustrated talk shows how taking on challenges and pushing oneself mentally and physically are life changing experiences.
THE TONY TRUST Charity no. 1160437, a small Charity, operating in the UK.
TTT supports young people aged between 7 and 18 years old by giving partner - funding grants to those who need help to finance a place on a course at any UK Outdoor Activity Centre. These outdoor experiences and challenges can be life enhancing and should be available to all young people regardless of circumstances.
A proportion of ticket sale revenue from this evening will go towards TTT. The speakers, one of whom is a Patron of The Tony Trust, are generously not charging their usual speaker's fees. Thank you also to The Poly for their on going support.
Find out all about fossils, archaeology, and dinosaur with Squashbox Theatre. Ages 4 plus! ...
Find out moreThis taster workshop will put you through your paces with a range of footwork, stances, attacks, and defences that form...
Find out moreIran’s Mohammad Rasoulof delivers a gripping dissident drama, about an official whose ambitions bring him into...
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