24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Get hands on during this workshop, touch, draw and get lost in your imagination as you get up close and personal with usually forbidden objects!
Join as real-life explorer Charlotte as she shares some of her favourite artefacts (original and replica) from across the globe and her expeditions- including those from Egypt and Central America.
This workshop will run twice on the afternoon of Friday 17th February:
2pm-3pm- suitable for age 5-7 (must be accompanied by an adult)
3:30pm-4:30pm- suitable for 8 – 12 (must be accompanied by an adult)
Museum on Wheels is an education and public speaking company, who brings the world of exploration to your very doorstep. Led by award winning explorer and anthropologist Charlotte Austwick.
Find out more about Museum on Wheels at: www.museumonwheels.co.uk
Instagram: @museumonwheels
Find out more about Charlotte Austwick at: www.charlotteaustwick.co.uk
Instagram @charlotteaustwick
Forbidden Artefacts for Ages 5-7: Museum on Wheels
Friday 17th Febuary,
2pm-3pm- suitable for ages 5-7
Child: £5 (+ £1 Poly Fund)
The Poly Pottery’s weekly drop-in sessions are back up and running! ...
Find out moreThis course is open to all abilities, whether you're a novice or an experienced potter looking to expand your skills on...
Find out moreThis course is open to all abilities, whether you're a novice or an experienced potter looking to expand your skills on...
Find out more