24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Vicki presents an exhibition primarily of landscape paintings inspired by Cornwall. The drawing and mark making integral within her paintings can also be seen on the surfaces of her sculptural ceramic forms which combine ‘traces’ or ‘footprints’ left in the memory by places or spaces visited.
Recent paintings and drawings by the artist hopes to create a narrative by the gestural application of paint on the surface of the canvas or clay creating an emotional connection to the subject matter of the Cornish inland and coastal landscape.
Vicki has stand alone exhibitions three to four times a year. She also regularly exhibits her ceramics as part of The Poly Pottery ‘Foundation’ group and is also taking part in Cornwall Open Studios 2023 at the end of May.
Facebook fb.me/vickiclarkart
Instagram vickickarkimages
Exhibition open: Tuesday 25th to Saturday 29th April 2023 FREE ENTRY
Please think social distance, and sanitise your hands on arrival.
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