24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
This course has been designed for people with some experience who would like to develop their existing skills and start to gain knowledge in a broader range of building, firing and glazing techniques.
Every 4 weeks we explore a different firing technique, clay and construction method. Playing with materials and developing a more personalised approach to develop your own style of making.
Courses are broad and more than one area can be explored in our four week courses. Learning is at your own pace. Exploring what really interests you. You can opt into different courses throughout the year as they are constantly evolving to suit individual development.
We cover large scale, low firing techniques and processes such as Raku and Saggar firing as well as earthenware and stoneware glazes and techniques. Slab, coiling, pinch and slip decoration methods.
Should I be on the Advanced Course or the Intermediate?
The intermediate is for learners with a general experience, looking to improve skills and develop ideas with support.
Advanced learners have a broad understand and are looking to develop projects of their own. Also looking only for technical assistance to realise their ideas fully.
Pottery Course: Intermediate 4 Weeks
When: Wednesdays, 2.00pm-4.00pm
Next course start dates:
Duration: four weeks
Class size: eight per class
Tutor: Karl Owen
Cost: £130, including £1 Poly Fund and all materials and equipment.
If you have any questions about the suitability of this course, please contact our head potter Karl at karl@thepoly.org.
An exhibition exploring and expanding the Still Life genre by inviting artists to think about stillness. ...
Find out moreJohn Brenton presents a collection of recently completed oil paintings inspired by the Cornish coast and landscape. ...
Find out moreA date with a wonderful composer and maestro of the piano. To be immersed in his playing is truly magical. ...
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