24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Come and join me for a fun 1-day workshop where you will explore the playful processes of painting with inks and acrylics. I will share how they can be used in a loose and intuitive way and how you can incorporate different mark making tools and expressive exercises to free up your paintings.
Recently, I have been incorporating more water based paints and love working with them when I travel and also when I paint outside. Acrylics and inks are both incredibly versatile and have quick drying times which means imagery can be built up easily in one sitting.
During the workshop, I will guide you through how to build up transparent layers to create atmospheric, abstract paintings that are expansive and loose. We will also explore how drawing media, such as water-soluble pastels and coloured pencils, can be added to provide definition and layers to your pieces.
The workshop will also include tutor demonstrations and time for experimentation and play and a chance for you to develop a small series of 6 - 8 paintings you can take away with you.
The workshop will be a chance for you to connect with your creative side in a relaxed, inspiring space. Whether you are an experienced artist or just getting started you will explore the joy of paint, colour and texture, and try new tools and approaches that will allow you to find your own unique style.
The workshop will be delivered by Laura Menzies who has much teaching experience and also holds a PGCE qualification.
Age 16 Plus only.
Tutor: Laura Menzies
Expressive Acrylic and Ink Painting
Friday June 20th, 10.30am - 4.30pm
Ticket: £120
A £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold. A 50p booking fee is also applied per ticket for online and telephone transactions.