24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Explore the endless possibilities of this lovely medium. Learn how to master and control beautiful watercolour to create interesting, unique and stunning effects.
You will create your own individual paintings to take home, exploring a variety of techniques, guided fully by your tutor, artist Cathy Eastment, who loves to paint in watercolour, amongst other mediums.
Cathy is also an elected member of 'Cornwall Watercolour Society'.
All the quality materials will be provided, but you may wish to bring a selection of watercolour brushes of your choice.
Suitable for both those with some experience and complete beginners.
Bringing a hairdryer dryer is also recommended
18+ Only
Wonderful Watercolour
Thursday 10th April 10.30am - 4.00pm
Cost: £65
A £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold. A 50p booking fee is also applied per ticket for online and telephone transactions.
Check times : Book nowAn easy beginner course teaching you the basics of silversmithing and how to make x4 stacking rings. ...
Find out moreFor people with some experience who would like to develop their existing skills and start to gain knowledge in a broader...
Find out moreWithin this workshop you will explore the wonderous world of Wild Animals. ...
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