24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Costumed Life Drawing: Fantasy
Step into a world inspired by Fantasy from Tolkien, C.S. Lewis to George R.R. Martin among others!
This session is untutored and suitable for ages 12 + , all being well there will be two models in costumes ready for you to capture and bring to life in your own way!
Make sure to bring your choice of drawing materials- anything from pen and paper, to oils, inks or even an ipad.
This is an untutored session, suitable for all ages and levels and is a great way to spend your Saturday between 11:00-13:00. Poses will be between 1-10 mins.
Got a question? Drop us an email: swashbucklingcornwall@gmail.com
Find out more about other Costumed Life Drawing Session here: https://www.swashbucklingcornwall.com/costumedlifedrawing
Following Swashbuckling Cornwall online for the latest news and updates
Twitter/Instagram: @SwashbuckleC
Facebook: Swashbuckling Cornwall
What is Life Drawing?
Life drawing or figure drawing is the drawing with pencil, ink, charcoal, paint or whatever you choose of a figure from life. Most often associated with drawing the human form nude you can also draw clothed or our case costumed models.
What is Costumed Life Drawing?
The biggest difference with costumed life drawing is that the model has clothes on, you will be able to see how material or armour clings to the body or how a sword held. For our classes we like to expand beyond the costume our model wear but bring a character to life for you to draw.
Why do it?
There are many reasons to do life drawing. One of the most common reasons is that it will make you a better artist. By practicing your art, you can develop your skills, style and confidence. These relaxed classes will let you really focus in on the form in front of you and allow you to work on what interests you most.
Costumed Life Drawing: Fantasy
Saturday 12th April 11am - 1pm
Ticket: £8/£6.00
A £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold. A 50p booking fee is also applied per ticket for online and telephone transactions.
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