The Poly

24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society

What's On Calendar

Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.

Workshops // Coming up // Knights & Fantasy: A Closer Look
28 May

Knights & Fantasy: A Closer Look

Do you write, or want to write, historical or fantasy fiction? 


Play DnD?


Want to get a closer look at what your characters might use or wear?


Come and find out with Swashbuckling Cornwall!


Discover how heavy a sword really is. and just what a knight can see from inside their helmet, just what is the purpose that random strap… 


Open to writers of all levels, ages and disciplines who want to get a real feel for their work.


You will get the chance to see and handle swords, armour and other weapons from the classical and medieval eras. 


There will also be the opportunity to ask questions. 


Find out more about Swashbuckling Cornwall by visiting


Knights & Fantasy: A Closer Look 


Tickets: £9, £7 (Concessions)


A £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold.




Beginners Handbuilding: 4 Week Course

For the perfect introduction to ceramics, join in our four-week beginner’s course. ...

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Stage Combat: Cutlass Masterclass

Embrace your inner and out piratical swashbuckler! ...

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Buddhism Evolves

An introduction to Secular Buddhism & Behavioural Science. Including guided meditations & discussions. ...

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Contact us:

T: 01326 319461


The Poly, 24 Church Street, Falmouth, TR11 3EG

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© The Poly - The Poly is the trading name of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Limited, a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 03909555 and registered charity number 1081199, with its registered office at 24 Church Street, Falmouth TR11 3EG