24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
This is a showcase of student work for the IFY final ‘Launch’ module before the students progress into the next three years of their specialist creative degrees. Instagram @falmouthIFY
The End of Year Show for the Falmouth University Integrated Foundation Year 2022-23
The Exhibition will feature: Fine Art & Drawing, Illustration, Graphic Design, Game Art & Animation, Game Development & Computing
Exhibition open: Tuesday 16th May to Saturday 20th May 2023 FREE ENTRY
Private View: Tuesday 16th May 5-7pm
Please think social distance, and sanitise your hands on arrival.
A fun and experimental 3-day workshop for those who would like to learn more about painting with oil and cold wax. ...
Find out moreFor people with some experience who would like to develop their existing skills and start to gain knowledge in a broader...
Find out moreThis course is open to all abilities, whether you're a novice or an experienced potter looking to expand your skills on...
Find out more