24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
How’s your general knowledge? Niche facts? Maybe some bookish trivia?
Join us for the Wayward Pub Quiz - a not-entirely-bookish quiz hosted by Above the Bookshop.
Tickets are per person with a maximum of 6 per team - each table will also be joined by one of our fabulous local authors. Bring your a-game and a punny team name!
Everyone on the winning team of the night will win a £10 book token for Falmouth Bookseller! Find out more about the author guests & Wayward Book Festival here.
This event will be held at Above the Bookshop, 21 Church Street, TR11 3EG
Tickets: £4
All tickets have an additional £1 Poly Fund added at checkout.
This course is open to all abilities, whether you're a novice or an experienced potter looking to expand your skills on...
Find out moreThis explosively funny satire, about a rogue U.S General who triggers a nuclear attack, is led by a world-renowned...
Find out moreFor people with some experience who would like to develop their existing skills and start to gain knowledge in a broader...
Find out more