24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
The End of Year Show for the Falmouth University Integrated Foundation Year 2023-24
This is a showcase of student work for the IFY final ‘Launch’ module before the students progress into the next three years of their specialist creative degrees. Instagram @falmouthIFY
Exhibition open: Thursday 9th May to Wednesday 15th May, 10am to 5pm
Everyone welcome!
Writer and filmmaker Damian Le Bas will discuss his latest book The Drowned Places, exploring the meaning we find in...
Find out moreJohnny is a banker who lives in a San Francisco townhouse with his fiancée, Lisa. One day, inexplicably, she gets bored...
Find out moreWithin this workshop you will explore the wonderous world of mythical creatures. ...
Find out more