The Poly

24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society

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Shortlist revealed for the RCPS Medal Awards 2023

Following much anticipation, The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society (RCPS/The Poly) has announced the shortlist for its prestigious Medal Awards this year.

Those selected from the categories of the Arts, Science and Industry are all considered winners: for the selection panels they represent the very best Cornwall has to offer and each will receive an RCPS Medal Certificate for their exceptional achievements. In addition, a Medal Award Ceremony will take place on 20th April at the Alverton Hotel, Truro and the 2023 RCPS Medal will be presented to one winner within each category.

To be awarded an RCPS Medal is to follow in the steps of other notable recipients, such as Alfred Nobel, who was awarded a Silver Medal in 1865. The relaunch of the Medal Awards, almost two hundred years since the RCPS’s founding, celebrates the range of exciting, innovative work taking place in Cornwall today.

Those shortlisted are:


Nicola Bealing (painter and printmaker nominated for an extraordinary body of work produced in response to the pandemic), Abigail Reynolds (works across different media including sculpture, print, event and film, nominated for her remarkable Kresen Kernow commission ‘Tre’ and related projects), Lisa Wright (painter nominated for her ambitious sculptural installation ‘Future Forest’, commissioned by Forestry England). 


Prof Chris Bass (Applied entomologist, research into insecticide resistance); Dr Kate Moore (Geologist, research into the impacts and benefits of small-scale mining); Dr Nick Tregenza (Marine conservationist, specialism in marine acoustics and echo-location design).


Bennamann Ltd, Chris Mann (Clean energy for the agricultural industry); Eliquo Hydrok, Peter Wroe and Lewis O’Brien (Environmentally progressive products and services to the water industry); Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd, Ian Jones and Piran Trezise (Deep space communications networks).

Drawn up by expert judging panels for each category, the shortlist was also considered by the RCPS Medal Panel. The selection process involved the use of broad criteria to make judgements – including the originality and significance of the work, the technical expertise or creativity shown, and the excellence of output. The work reviewed was current or spans the last five or so years.

By reintroducing the RCPS Medal Awards and championing achievements in Science, Industry and the Arts in Cornwall, The RCPS aims to put Cornish creativity and innovation on centre stage both locally and nationally. 

Prof Mike Jenks, former President, RCPS comments: “It has been a privilege to view such a range of outstanding work that is truly world class. To be able to recognise this by the award of the RCPS Medals is a real pleasure and we greatly look forward to the presentation ceremony on the 20th of April.”

ENDS: 15th February 2023


The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society (RCPS) would like to thank the group of generous individual sponsors who have made the 2023 RCPS Medal Awards possible, as well as the Tanner Phoenix Trust and the Cornwall Community Foundation






Shortlist revealed for the RCPS Medal Awards 2023

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© The Poly - The Poly is the trading name of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Limited, a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 03909555 and registered charity number 1081199, with its registered office at 24 Church Street, Falmouth TR11 3EG