24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Come to a Galaxy now that far away for a sci fi themed costumed life drawing. As our heroes and villains take on poses from 1-10 mins long.
Ray guns at the ready for an out of this world drawing session!
As part of our aim to make arts and culture more accessible we have taken the decision to reduce the adult ticket price to £6 for the next June & July Saturday morning life drawing sessions. We hope in a time of inflation this will let more people take part and have the chance to create.
Make sure to bring your choice of drawing materials- anything from pen and paper, to oils, inks or even an ipad.
This is an untutored session, suitable for all ages and levels and is a great way to spend your Saturday between 11:00-13:00
Got a question? Drop us an email: swashbucklingcornwall@gmail.com
Find out more about other Costumed Life Drawing Session here: https://www.swashbucklingcornwall.com/costumedlifedrawing
Following Swashbuckling Cornwall online for the latest news and updates
Twitter/Instagram: @SwashbuckleC
Facebook: Swashbuckling Cornwall
Costume Life Drawing: Sci Fi
Saturday 3rd June 2023, 11.00am
Tickets: £6 + £1 Poly Fund
A £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold.
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