The Poly

24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society

What's On Calendar

Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.

Family // Coming up // Reading & Craft with Sarah Tagholm!
21 October

Reading & Craft with Sarah Tagholm!

Sarah Tagholm is a children's author who loves writing about confused animals, mischievous children and all things bizarro. She lives in Cornwall with her family where together, they spend so much time in the sea it's a wonder they haven't grown gills! 

Sarah's first picture book Wolves In Helicopters, published in 2022 and tackles nightmares head on, this was followed by Sam Francisco King Of The Disco a rhyming book about cats sneaking out to dance. Her next book We Are The Wibbly has been described as Darwin meets Dahl and publishes spring 2024. Sarah’s reading and craft workshop is aimed at children 2-7.

Ages 2-7.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Please note this event is held at Falmouth Library, Chamber Room, Municipal Offices, The Moor, Falmouth TR11 3QA
Reading & Craft with Sarah Tagholm!
Part of The Falmouth Book Festival

Saturday 21st October 1pm

Tickets: Adults go free with children, childrens places must be booked in advance of the session. Childrens tickets are subject to a £1.50 fee (£1 Poly Fund & 50p booking fee). 




Martha Tilston

“She has the power to draw an audience into her world, leaving all those present with a smile, and a few issues to...

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Life Drawing at The Poly

The course is part instructed by a local artist with guided exercises and opportunities to draw freely. Experienced...

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NT Live: Dr. Strangelove (12A)

This explosively funny satire, about a rogue U.S General who triggers a nuclear attack, is led by a world-renowned...

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T: 01326 319461


The Poly, 24 Church Street, Falmouth, TR11 3EG

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© The Poly - The Poly is the trading name of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Limited, a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 03909555 and registered charity number 1081199, with its registered office at 24 Church Street, Falmouth TR11 3EG