The Poly

24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society

What's On Calendar

Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.

Exhibitions // Coming up // CONCINNITY
21 May


The skilful and harmonious arrangement of different parts of something. From the formal to the informal; from the staged to the candid; from the avant garde to the kitsch; an assortment of artistic approaches is brought together to interrogate what photography is in the 21st century. The works produced by this year’s 2nd Year cohort on BA Photography at Falmouth University demonstrates a desire to express, a need to reflect and an urgency to perceive the world we all share in unique and meaningful ways.

Exhibition open: Tuesday 21st to Saturday 25th May, 10am to 5pm

The Poly's Main Gallery (2nd Floor)

Everyone welcome!




Wise Woman at The Poly

Wise Woman spin their lush vocal harmonies and genre-bending tales of hidden women around the UK to celebrate the...

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Intermediate Pottery: 4 Week Course

For people with some experience who would like to develop their existing skills and start to gain knowledge in a broader...

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Easter Brush Pen Calligraphy

Come and learn the addictive hobby of Brush Pen Calligraphy! ...

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Contact us:

T: 01326 319461


The Poly, 24 Church Street, Falmouth, TR11 3EG

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© The Poly - The Poly is the trading name of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Limited, a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 03909555 and registered charity number 1081199, with its registered office at 24 Church Street, Falmouth TR11 3EG