The Poly

24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society

What's On Calendar

Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.

Workshops // Coming up // Make your Own Burlesque Pasties
15 February

Make your Own Burlesque Pasties

This “'Pal'entine’s Day” treat yourself and your best pals to a hedonistic and indulgent afternoon learning how to make Burlesque pasties with costume expert Dr Julie Ripley and former corset maker turned academic, Dr Jo Parsons.

Dr Jo Parsons is former Corset Maker turned Senior Lecturer in English and Creative Writing at Falmouth University.  She is an expert on romantic fiction, and is currently writing a book on the Bonkbuster. Her books include ’Doomed Romances’ and ‘13 Cornish Ghost Stories.’

Dr Julie Ripley is course leader for Costume Design for Film & TV at Falmouth University.  She is interested in everyday dress, onscreen and off, and has published on surf culture, horror films and more recently, Succession.

All materials supplied. 18+

Make your Own Burlesque Pasties

Ticket: £15/12

A £1 Poly Fund payment is added to each ticket sold. A 50p booking fee is also applied per ticket for online and telephone transactions.



Close Enough

A mixture of Romanian Stubbornness and British Politeness; Close Enough is an autobiographical comedy about the...

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Wise Woman at The Poly

Wise Woman spin their lush vocal harmonies and genre-bending tales of hidden women around the UK to celebrate the...

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Throwing: 4 Week Course

This course is open to all abilities, whether you're a novice or an experienced potter looking to expand your skills on...

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T: 01326 319461


The Poly, 24 Church Street, Falmouth, TR11 3EG

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© The Poly - The Poly is the trading name of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society Limited, a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 03909555 and registered charity number 1081199, with its registered office at 24 Church Street, Falmouth TR11 3EG