24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
When the town of Falmouth was established in 1661 it consisted of a small but growing settlement at Market Strand. As it developed and prospered it grew westwards, spreading across land where there had previously been farms and fields.
Using photographs, maps, and other archive material we look at where, when, and why this expansion of Falmouth took place and what this tells us about the town's history.
Tuesday 11th February – Saturday 15th February, 10am-5pm
The Poly's Spring Gallery (Ground Floor)
Free Entry. Everyone welcome!
In this talk we’ll be exploring a range of weird and wonderful stories and traditions about Piskies from across...
Find out moreEnjoy a day working with colour, texture, cloth, pattern and line to craft exciting unique textiles. ...
Find out moreFor the perfect introduction to ceramics, join in our four-week beginner’s course. ...
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