24 Church St, Falmouth : 01326 319461
The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
Have a look at the calendar text here to see what's coming up.
Calling local artists! Enter your work into our annual curated art show, which will exhibit a wide range of work from a variety of disciplines in our Grade II* listed building. This exhibition is a celebration of the artistic talent from our community – carefully selected to showcase the best works from both established and new artists.
Submissions are open to all, with a focus on new and emerging artists. Work must be original, completed in the last two years, and should not have been shown at The Poly before. Please see the Spring Open Submission Form for full details.
Key dates:
Deadline for submission forms: Friday 7th March 2025.
If you have been successful, we will let you know by Friday 28th March.
Your work must be delivered to The Poly on one of the following days: Saturday 5th April, or between Tuesday 8th – Saturday 12th April 10am - 4.30pm.
The exhibition will be hung on: Monday 21st April 2025.
Open to the public from: Tuesday 22nd April, 10am-5pm
Private View: Tuesday 22nd April 5pm – 7pm
The exhibition will close on: Saturday 26th April at 3pm.
Collection of artworks: Saturday 26th 3pm – 5pm or between Tuesday 29th – Saturday 3rd May. 10am – 4.30pm
To apply and for further information, please complete the Spring Open Submission Form and send, along with images of the work you want us to consider, to guild@thepoly.org. If successful, the submission fee per artist is £35 / free to Poly members.
Thank you to the very talented Erika Anders for letting us use her beautiful artwork The View From Up Here as out poster background, which featured in the Poly’s Spring Open 2024.